Saturday, November 2, 2019

Welcome to Frensez

Travel like a local.

Quick overnight? Weekend getaway? Full-on vacation?  Get the inside scoop on how to blend must-see spots with secret local favorites.

How it works:

All destinations include free-form recommendations + a curated itinerary for a certain length of time. Start with the itinerary, then add or subtract depending on how much time you have. 

24 hours - assumes you have at least a full day and one night.
Weekend - A Friday evening to Sunday afternoon vibe.
Vacay - 4 to 5 days or more.
Roadtrip - Multiple destinations linked by car or train.
With kids - We'll flag it if it's family fun.

Mind and body
All trips include options for a workout every other day, which can always be modified to your fitness level. 

They all also include some siesta or reading/writing/regrouping time, so you get enough of a re-charge to really enjoy your time exploring. Nothing kills fun faster than exhaustion and low blood sugar! 

We're fans of CrossFit while traveling, and hear us out: CrossFit isn't just for hyper-fit exercise fanatics - it's all based on functional movement, mixing HIIT and weight training with functional movement. It's ideal for travel because: 

  • EVERY exercise is scalable, meaning it can be adapted to any fitness level and age (and I mean ANY) 
  • no matter where you go, there's usually a Xfit box nearby
  • Cross-Fitters are very friendly and welcoming, so it's a great way to connect with locals

We love to eat, especially when traveling. You'll find lots of fun and interesting food recommendations that typically include gluten-free options (sometimes dairy or meat free as well). 

Welcome to Frensez

Travel like a local. Quick overnight? Weekend getaway? Full-on vacation?  Get the inside scoop on how to blend must-see spots with secret...